the voice of china

This year a new TV reality show became an instant hit with audiences.Within a few hours of its first live broadcast on July 13, “The Voice of China” managed to capture the viewers’ attention and hearts.The show invited four celebrities–renowned musician Liu Han, pop diva Na Ying, mainland singer Yang Kun and Taiwan singer-songwriter Harlem Yun ,to come on as the show’s coaches.The series consists of three phases: a blind audition, a battle phase, and live performance shows.The four judges/coaches choose teams of contestants through a blind audition process.Each judge has the length of the auditioner’s performance to decide if he or she wants that singer on his or her team;if two or more judges want the same singer(as happens frequently), the singer has the final choice of coach.Each team of singers is mentored and developed by its respective coach.In the second stage, called the battle phase, coaches have two of their team members battle against each other directly by singing the same song together, with the coach choosing which team member to advance from each of individual “battles” into the first live round.Within that first live round, the surviving four acts from each team again compete head-to-head, with public votes determining the best of four acts from each team that will advance to the final eight , while the coach chooses which of the remaining three acts comprises the other performer remaining on the team.In the final phase, the remaining contestants compete against each other in live broadcasts.The television audience and the coaches have equal say in deciding who moves on to the final 4 phase.With one team member remaining for each coach, the contestants compete against each other in the final with the outcome decided solely by public vote.its honesty“Judging the voice, and not the appearance” makes the show stand out from the numerous other reality shows in China.They can never judge by looks or styles as every judge sits with their back towards those auditioning.The judges can only decide based on vocal performances and if they hear something they like, they hit a button and turn around to see the person singing.its inspirationevery auditioner may have some bittersweet story to tell, the show focuses on how to look at the bright side of any given situation and how to give people positive energy.Na Ying also said, “We want to encourage them.Because most of the team has to work hard for living, they didn’t give up and tried their best to seize every opportunity to realize their music dream.Whether we turn around for them or not, we want them to stick to their dream and do what they really like to do.”

上一篇 2023年6月13日 02:52
下一篇 2023年6月13日 02:52


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