black beauty读后感大全

Judge the world as a horse

—book review on Black BeautyTo be frank, although I grew up in the village, I hardly pay much attention on animals.And it was taken for granted that they are just creatures without mind in the mercy of our human beings.Never have I had the chance to learn about horses till I come upon with Black Beauty.After finishing reading the novel, I am deeply impressed by the author’s elaborate description of horses’ nature and behavior.How could a grace lady like Anna Sewell seem like a senor groom who knows exactly horses’ feelings? And I am also ashamed of my innocence and prejudice to animals.The book is far more meaningful in calling up people of all ages to respect animals and take good care of them than just entertaining the child as some critics defied it as children’s classic.The author personified these horses and presented the world in the horse Black Beauty’s eyes in his lifelong experience.Truth is told in the horse’s various daily experiences with different kinds of masters and grooms.However, being well taken care of or suffering miserable overuse, Black Beauty as the inferior creature, is powerless to revolt.So what matters is humans’ consciousness and morality.Life is like a mirror.Others will treat you the same way as you do no matter for human beings or animals.That is what I get from the behaviors of horses.The novel presents the world and various kinds of people in the horse eyes.Throughout Black Beauty’s life, he comes up with various kinds of masters and grooms, considerate or bad-tempered.The truth is told when he sees many horses undergoing ill-use.“I saw a great deal of trouble amongst the horses in London, and much of it that might have been prevented by a little common sense.We horses do not mind hard work if we are treated reasonably.”① I notice that he use the phrase–common sense.It is ironical that some of we developed creatures always act without common sense.With halters, headstalls and bits, we deprive the freedom of the horses to make them controllable.Regardless of their feelings, we want them to run as fast as they can or carry twice or ① P172 in Black Beauty by Anna Sewell Signet Classic

more the goods as they can endure.But horses tend to be hard to control and cause troubles under such conditions.That lady Anna’s falling down from a horse for her whipping constantly in ignorance of the horse’s poor condition is good proof to it.We would feel angry and intense to resist when we are rudely treated.So are the horses.They are unable to shout out their dissatisfaction, but they will act out their mood.I always believe that we will get what we plow in the garden.So if we want a lovely animal, we should treat them kindly just as Black Beauty says in the novel—It may be hard work sometimes, but a friendly hand and voice make it easy.②

Why do human beings always feel superior to other creatures? After reading the novel, the question troubles me a lot.Here is a conversation between horses.—Do you know why this world is as bad as it is?

—It is because people think only about their own business and won’t trouble themselves to stand up for the oppressed, no bring the wrong-doer to light.③

With a special angle of view, people in the novel are judged by the horses’ value of world.I don’t think selfish is proper to describe some of them in horses’ eyes.They regard themselves as the controller so as to do anything they like.The conceit and pride make them look down upon any other creatures.But every creature is born equal.We are just part of the nature.How can you image if there are only human beings left in the world? It must be the end of the world.So it is not enough to take care of other creatures but to respect them and treat them as friends.I am gratified that Black Beauty be home finally after ups and downs.But who knows whether horses like Black Beauty are the majority or the minority? Anna Stewell was a kindhearted lady to reveal the horse world to remind us.I don’t believe in superstition, but I do believe that whatever action would get the same reaction.So be kind to all creatures and make friends with them!


③ P174in Black Beauty by Anna Sewell Signet ClassicP164 in Black Beauty by Anna Sewell Signet Classic

A Book Report of Black Beauty

Today I want to introduction a book——Black Beauty.This book was wrote by Anna Sewell who was born in Norfolk in 1820 and died in 1878.She is the animal protectionism, according to her hard dissatisfied with abusing animals, she wrote this book to persuade people to treat animals kindly.At the beginning of the book, the main character, of course was a horse, lived in a pleasant field with a pond of clear water in it.However, it was the short time to him and then he was sold to another master.At there, he got his name, Black Beauty.Fortunately, he met some new friends in there.In order to do the job as a horse, he was trained by John who was a good guy and good at training.So in a word, Black Beauty also had a well life in his new master’s house.He lived at the Park for three happy years, but then changes came.Mistress was often ill and the doctor advised her to go and live in a warm country for two and three years, so master immediately started making arrangements to leave England.That was no doubt that Black Beauty was sold to the new guy Bath, who kept many horses and different kinds of carriages for hire, and Black Beauty became a job horse now.And then he was sold to Mr.Barry, after suffered a lot he was sold to Jerry, sold to Jakes, and sold to another cab owner.It was a terrible life to Black Beauty, and sometimes, he whished he was dead.But when he nearly to die, he was sold to a farmer, god knows, that farmer was Joe Green who was gladly to find me and promised me that he will never sell me and gave me a happiness life.How badly his life was.All his life was sold one people to another.Animals are just like our human beings.They are the part of the natural society and have their rights.we should be harmony with each other and could not abuse animals.Please be kind to the animals, they are our friends!

That’s all,thanks!


读《走复兴路 圆中国梦》有感


今天,中国正在不断崛起。1997年和1999年,香港和澳门陆续回到祖**亲的怀抱;2001年,中国加入了世界贸易组织;2008年第29届奥运会成功在北京召开;2010年,世博会在上海成功举办;2012年祖国成功研制出中华民族第一艘航母„„慢慢地,中国已成为世界第二大国,中华民族终于从弱小的“ 东亚病夫”彻底变成了经济大国!中国的强国梦已经快要实现了!





———读《保姆狗的阴谋》有感宝应实验小学 六(5)班 丁子芯我生日时,妈妈送给了我一本书,是《笑猫日记》 系列的《保姆狗的阴谋》。






















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