
“Wenn das Glück kommt, muss man ihm einen stuhl hinstellen. that is the question”. That’s German for “when the happiness/luckness comes, must bring it a chair to let it stay”. This is the name of a German book, which tells the story of a young girl, Harinka, who lives in an orphanage, she is eccentric and unsociable, so she has no friends. Once she defends another girl, Renata, against an injustice, this brings her friendship and esteem. So she realizes the true meaning of life, and becomes more treasure her life, her friendship and the happiness which didn’t come easily. Harinka has an “aphorism book” she wrote by herself, they are plain, but they do contain the inwardness of life. It’s a book about orphans, and some of the chapters may make you feel sorry for the poor girl. But after reading it for a while, you shall find the girl so optimistic and kindhearted, making you cannot help wanting to follow her steps, to find out the every little bit of happiness in life and enjoy it with your heart and soul. Harinka is unfortunate, but she is fortunate too, for she has the love from her aunt, Laura and the friendship from Renata. At first Harinka thought the only happiness is to live with Aunt Laura. But now, when the hope is still pie in the sky, she already tasted the savour of happiness. That’s the happiness of friendship, the happiness of love, the happiness of sharing …… 

Finally, in this book full of sadness, we can see warm light, and we can hear laughter from heart. Aunt Laura and Renata lighted up the light of love in Harinka heart, and I suppose, all the happiness in the world will light up for this small shine of love. Don’t be afraid when you are in trouble, happiness is always most beautiful in the adversity. As Harinka wrote in her “aphorism book”, god is always waiting, and he will pay in percentage. And at the end of the book, Harinka said in pleasure: “Oh, Aunt Laura, dearest Aunt Laura, why do we need honey when sugar is already so sweet?” It’s the cry from the bottom of a little girl’s heart. Indeed, why do we need honey when sugar is already so sweet, why do we need to find happiness when it’s already around us? Perhaps, if we light up the light of love in our heart, no matter in what kind of darkness, we can always expect, may the petals of happiness rain slice by slice.

It’s a beautiful world……

上一篇 2024年6月23日
下一篇 2024年6月23日


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