
When my chinese teacher in my high school introduce an material character for our composition in college entrance exam. It came to my mind that Henry David Thoreau is an awesome man who wrote the greatest book –《Walden》.And i would really live a life full of happiness and recreation,even if i will come up with many bizarre and fantastic ideas which ,whenever,could be written on the paper,if l live a life like Thoreau .Personally ,it arouse my interests in the life of living alone.

I haven’t finished reading the book yet ,but it influence me both mentally and physically.I remember there are lots of records about the prices of his crops and his daily costs in the chapter–the field of beans[豆子地]. These datas seem very boring to us citizens,however ,it matters.We can see the least substance indeed to be used to maintain a normal life.And other records such as when the lake’s ice begin to melt and when the first sight of many different animals comes to you eyes, through which we can feel the how to love our nature world.The words on the paper seems tell us the beauty of the whole natural word just like a fantastic movie scene .It is visible ,tangible,romantic ,as if i have been there more than twice.

About richness and possession,he said these rich but needy in spirit class accumulate much low-leveled stuffs,and they don’t know how to use or get rid of them ,just like this ,so they made the gold and silver tomb for themselves.[那些看似富有,却是最为贫穷的阶级他们积累了大量的低劣的东西,但是不知道如何使用或摆脱它们,就这样,他们铸造了自己的黄金或者白银的桎梏。]This is one of my favorite sentence .It reveals that the one who is wealthy can not blind by the shinning lights of money and he is suppose to take full advantage of his possession to do more meaningful thing in reality .Wealthy man could donate their money in education or help the starving family in Africa live better,what else ,except for spending them for personal entertainment in a short time . 

What’s the freedom written in this book ? I think it’s about a normal life and a normal character about richness.In a word ,live your life individually is a kind of freedom .

上一篇 2024年6月23日 02:30
下一篇 2024年6月23日 02:30


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