
1、 春去秋来,花开花落,寒来暑往,天气转凉。四季轮回,愿你健康依旧!天冷了,注意添加衣物!

1. Spring to autumn, flowers bloom, cold to summer, the weather turns cool. Four Seasons Samsara, wish you health as before! It’s getting cold. PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!

2、 请不要拒绝飘落在你身上的每一片雪花因为每一片雪花上都有我对你的美好祝福和亲切的问候。但天冷了要注意保暖。

2、Please do not refuse to fall on your body each snowflake because each snowflake has my good wishes and cordial greetings to you. But keep warm when it gets cold.


3、The blue sky is cold, and the clouds make their garments; the earth is cold, and the fallen leaves make their garments; the swallows are cold, and fly South; and if you are cold, make for you a garment of love, clothe your heart, and go cold for you.

4、 我的关怀如约而至,我的祝福不请自到,你不要嫌烦也不要嫌吵,对你的关心怎么也少不了,天冷了,记得加衣,祝健康快乐!

4, my care as promised, my blessing uninvited, you do not bother do not mind noisy, to your care how can not be less, cold, remember to add clothes, I wish health and happiness!

5、 天气在变,关怀不变,季节在变,关爱不变,气温在变,关心不变,短信在变,问候不变:天气凉了,多添衣物,注意防寒保暖。

5, the weather is changing, care is changing, season is changing, care is changing, temperature is changing, care is changing, SMS is changing, greetings are not changing: the weather is cool, add more clothes, pay attention to cold and warm.

6、 天凉了,我的问候和关怀送给你的也更暖了。不要忘记了晚上多盖点被子,早上起来多穿点衣服,也不要忘了还有我关怀着你呢!

6, the cold weather, my greetings and care to you also more warm. Don’t forget to cover your bed more in the evening, wear more clothes in the morning, and don’t forget I care about you too!

7、 送你孩子般的笑脸,愿你天天笑开颜。送你孩子般的双眼,愿你处处美景现。送你孩子般的问候,天冷了,注意保暖,别把小手冻着!

7. Send you a child’s smile, may you smile every day. With eyes like a child, I wish you beauty everywhere. Send you like a child’s greetings, the weather is cold, pay attention to keep warm, do not freeze the hands!

8、 想对你说的话不多,就一句,很朴实的话却又包含着很朴实的道理,很简洁的话却透露着很真诚的关心。天冷了,添衣了,别感冒了!

8, want to say to you not much, just a word, very simple words but contain a very simple truth, very simple words but reveal a very sincere concern. It’s cold, put on some clothes, don’t catch cold!

9、 打开温馨的记忆敞开浪漫的情怀回忆如梦的往事感知彼此的心跳。时间总不为你我等待挂念却常常停留在你我心间。天冷了注意身体。

9、Open up warm memories open up romantic feelings recall the past as a dream feel each other’s heartbeat. Time is not always for you I wait for miss but often stay in your heart. It’s getting cold. Take care.

10、 叶儿落,草儿黄,风变冷,雨变凉冷冬至,寒霜降,可爱的人儿要多穿衣裳。亲爱的朋友,季节变换,注意防寒。天气冷暖,你我相知。

10、Leaves Fall, grass turns yellow, wind turns cold, rain turns cold cold Cold Winter Solstice, cold frost falls, lovely people should wear more clothes. Dear friends, the seasons change, pay attention to the cold. It’s warm, it’s cold, we know each other.

上一篇 2024年8月1日 01:16
下一篇 2024年8月1日 01:16


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