



President Yangsheng Xu, respected faculty, distinguished guests, beloved families, friends, online audiences, and most importantly, the proud Class of 2023, good morning! I am Gaoyuan Xu, from the Master of Science in Data Science Program and Diligentia College. As both an undergraduate alumnus of Applied Mathematics in the School of Science and Engineering and on behalf of the graduating class of 2023, I am deeply honored to deliver this speech on this special and important day.



Our university’s journey will reach its tenth year next spring since March 2014. We witnessed the rise of new buildings, new colleges, and new track and field ground. Now, what lies ahead is the construction of the School of Medicine and the School of Music. As we graduate to begin the new, be aware that we are at a similar juncture. We have completed the curriculum offered by The University, engaged in internships and research projects, and surmounted many hills as well. But what lies before us are uncharted territories of our own. Over the coming decades, they will undergo cycles of demolition and reconstruction. We will undoubtedly encounter tough times, make mistakes, and grapple with feelings of guilt, regret, and pn, but we will recover from them and learn to be resilient. And I firmly believe it is an inevitable and essential path for growth. So, I hope each of you cultivates your own land in the future and crafts unique stories of the city you build up.



Yet, as we are about to leave this colorful campus, it’s important to make a trade-off between diversity and devotion. We should identify where we are most willing to invest our time and energy and persist in those endeavors. If it aligns with your career path, then sustain it for as long as possible. If not, work hard in your current job and create as much time as possible to find your passion and life-long work. In this way, you will enjoy the deepest happiness that only you know and only you experience.

In the years to come, I will dedicate myself to the interdisciplinary research of AI and energy. During my research in reinforcement learning of energy storage systems, I once viewed the training agent as myself and the long-run time horizon as my whole life. As to deploy the training policy in our real-life scenarios, we definitely don’t know what global optimal actions are or when to take them, and perhaps there are no global optimal ones. But the good news is that the training policy can always be updated in real-time, and I wish all of you never settle at local stationary points. Keep renewing and recreating yourself, and the life-long return just gets higher and higher when choices are made.

最后,请允许我代表全体毕业生感谢在我们求学道路上指导我们成长的老师们,无私付出的家人朋友们。也请允许我作为一个陪伴这所大学六年的毕业生,感谢吴辰晔教授,组里的师兄师姐们对我科研上的指导,数据科学理学项目组的所有教授,老师和同学们的帮助与支持,驻深北莫办公室的老师,和我一起做tutor的同事们的关爱与照顾。如王学锋院长所期盼的那样“we will see you down the road”,在香港中文大学(深圳)我们一起度过了这一段美好且难忘的求学之路,明天我们将踏上自己的新征程,但是在跨学科合作的时代下,相信在知识与智慧的交汇处,我们的路仍将交织在一起。山高水长,顶峰相见。谢谢大家!



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