


Each one of us has shortcomings and merits. We should never use a magnifying glass to look at other people?s faults; instead we should use a magnifying glass to view their strong points.


Only a person with a sense of crisis can survive, develop and grow sturdy.


Improve your method of study, better your composite skills, enhance your English capability and raise the level of your professional life.


People who are successful in their English studies all have the same experience; the unsuccessful ones have a variety of excuses. The most effective way to learn a foreign language is to revise, revise and revise again the material you have learned. No matter the time or the place, there can be no reason for laying aside your English studies.


Do your work well, and the money will earn itself. Genuinely learn English, and your scores will go up.


Be steadfast in work and life, and be diligent in writing and teaching.


There are many people who, with their gaze fixed on the scenery in the distance, often fail to see the splendor that is right beside them.


I work, therefore I am.



Always preserve the mentality of an 18?year?old. Because at 18 you have an innocent, pristine and sunny spirit, and at the same time you enjoy all the rights of an adult. Besides, you have a brain with an overwhelming hunger and thirst for knowledge, and you have a burning enthusiasm for life and the future.


If there is only one thing in the world that stirs your emotions, let that be sincerity.If there is only one way in the world that will enable you to achieve success, let that be diligence.



If you wish to achieve a certain degree of success, you must strive to excel others who are working in the field you have devoted yourself to. If nobody is working in that field, you must make an extra effort to open up new territory.


When it comes to opportunity, there are five types of people. One type creates opportunity. The second seeks opportunity. The third waits for opportunity to come. The fourth fumbles opportunity. The fifth ignores opportunity. If you can't be the first type of  person, then at least try to be like the second type, and actively seek opportunity.


I always make sure that I do not heedlessly compare myself with something beyond my reach. If I do make such a comparison, I make sure that I study that person?s advantages and strong points, and not compare my situation with that person?s overall talents and wisdom. Most of the time, I simply compare my own course of development: Have I made progress today compared with yesterday, and will I do better tomorrow than today?  In this way, I continually challenge myself and surpass myself.


Rely on sincerity and diligence to win respect.

Use passion and rationality to forge the future.


Success in life is like climbing a height: It has to be done step by step. In the course of this there are certain crucial turning points. Every time we encounter a wall while walking along a stretch of road, we turn into a brand?new stretch of road. Sometimes, a turning point can appear out of nowhere, but most of the time in our lives turning points are only reached as the result of a great deal of hard work.


So long as we are not discouraged by setbacks, setbacks are not to be feared. On the contrary, setbacks and failures in one?s young days are valuable treasures. We can understand how full of twists and turns the road to success is, and truly test our perseverance and determination. But even more important is that you will be able to draw on a gigantic driving force enabling you to struggle continuously. Being able to bear up under defeat is the source of the renewal of vigor and strength.


The Monkey Principle: There was a monkey who liked to eat bananas. The first person who passed by was carrying a bag of the best apples in the world and a bag of the best oranges in the world. Enraged, the monkey screamed, “Get out of here!” The second person who passed by was also carrying a bag of the best apples in the world and a bag of the best oranges in the world. But the bags also contained the best bananas in the world. The monkey searched the bags, and when he could find nothing but apples and oranges, was about to lose his temper, when he suddenly discovered the bananas at the bottom of the bags. So he didn?t get angry, but he did not regard the second man with any friendliness. A third man passed by, singing and cavorting. In each hand he held a small, unripe banana. When the monkey saw the bananas he was delighted, and ran gleefully to welcome the third man. Don?t give the monkey what he doesn?t like.

上一篇 2023年4月5日 04:37
下一篇 2023年4月5日 04:37


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