
I finally finish my reading.The novel les meserable ( written by Victor Hugo),which has made itself known to me since my teenager year. Only this summer, I set my determination to read it at full length.Accually I have known the plot of it from all kinds of materials.

The hero of the novel Vajean Jean was imprisoned owning to his theft for a load of bread. from then on , fate seemed to play various tricks upon this man,which nearly sends him into a evil spirit.The accumulated prison years 19 years from the original sentence of four years ,resuting from his three times' unsucceeded escapes, has turned his youth into middle-age.

The yellow passport which indicated his ex-convict identity, mades him an unwelcomed demon and it's this paper that hardly aroused the devil side of him every now and then . Hotels rejected him, men and women loathed him enven the dog ,dwelling in a ken ,despisedhim. After several days' trodding, fatige was all he have. when the life seems hopless for him, a bishop accepted him and offered a lodging. Here destiny offers him another chance!

He who had accustomed to the hard mattress of the galley,found him too comfortable of the bed to get a sound sleep. He awoke on the early dawn.The supressed devil also seemed to awake from the slumber. He committed the theft once more.He get the candlesticks and a bascket of silver from the cupboard. He escaped with agility of a monkey.

He seems unluckiest of all the men. He was suspected of robbing the silver ,then he was sent to the bishop for affirmation. The kind bishop contort the reality.He was relieved and shocked to the corn. He was restored to the gratitude of a humanbeing. After being tortured and conempted for too long a time, his lost sense of morality revived.Valjean Jean was reborn.

He fled to a M town and exchange the silver with currency but remain the two silver candlestick, which symbolise the lighthouse in front of him. He made fortune gradually and in less than 10 years ,he was crowned as the richest man in that area.

His generosity and kind heart won him the respect from the poor. As his prosperity continued to bloom, he was nominated as the mayor of the city.Now he was in the highlight.

But so shinning had become him that he once again was under the mercy of the fate. A cap named Javert suspected him of a fomer convict ,and unswervingly sought the result.

Wrongly the plice thought the man resembled Valjean very much as him.This innocent man was sent to court ,The mayor was also on the spot. He couldn't bear the absurdity of the charge. In order to save the innocent ,he admit the crime.In fact ,I don't think he really commited any crimes during those years,except for a small robbry in the highway for forty sous ,really a small sum of money.Why people didn't recall his selfishless devotion. It's unfair!

Alas, what fairness matters in that turbulent and gloomy society!

If there wasn't a girl named Cossette existed, he would have accepted the arrest. Bue there was,he had promise her mother to rescue her from misery. With this faith bearing in the mind,he fought against the dark power.

After Successfully rescuing the teenage Cossette ,the tenderness and humanity seemed to come life to him again. He enjoyed the accompany of his lovely creature. He adored her like a lover though too young and small.Normal life was again in his hand. He felt content.

Their life was passed ,dotted with some urgent escapes,but they supported each other. For the hero ,Cossette was really a blessing.

After one escape ,they found a convent,where they spent ten years' tranquil life. Grandually had Cossette become a glamorous lady, but this annoyed Valjean Jean.He owned Cossette as a dimond and wanted to keep it forever.

A young man called marius notice the Father and Daughter.The growing beauty of Cosstte made him fall in love .Once they met each other in the eyes, the very moment having left a mark in each other's heart. They fall in lover secretly. Without knowing what the love is, Cossette just felt an escatcy when finding herself day after day more enticing.

In order to keep themselves from suspicsion,they frequently changed their dwelling place.The love between Cossette and Marius was concealed.The note is only transportation.

One time the note informing Marius of their imminent removig was seen by Valjean, he was furious and overpowered by the jealousness. Accidently, a note from Marius was misrecieved by him which indicate Marius' being in danger. He lay down his emotion and went forth to help Marius, just on that occasion he spare Javert , who ever spemt so much effort in sending him into death.

Marius was deadly wounded ,Valjean carried him through trail and error,and sent him to the place Marius' note in his pocket indicated. Marius was drugged out of death .

I don't know why Valjean didn't tell Marius it's he who sent him to the safety. Strangely Valjean receded,he brought Cossette there and blessed for their union.

Then he told Marius the real identity of him, which in fact mistaked himself. He gave up Cossette and lived solitarily,nearly dying.

The last part I found a great deal of moving sentiments. Marius knew the fact and felt the oversweeping power of Valjean's generosity.He compared himselft to nothing when with the greatness of this ex-convict.

I think it is not all a trgedy. I think the result was quite satisfying. Though the hero died ,he acquire the ever-lasting tranquilty .

I like this novel , so bewitching and urges me to read with eager passion.Wonderful

上一篇 2024年6月16日 02:12
下一篇 2024年6月16日 02:13


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