
It’s a magical story filled with love and hope. The belief in this book is that people can heal themselves by thinking of themselves well.

In order to understand this story well, we can’t ignore the writer of this book, Frances Dodgson Burnett. Her parents died when she was only 8 years old, and she had to tend her two little brothers even if she was a little girl as well. We can’t imagine what misery she had suffered during her childhood. But destiny is really cruel sometimes. Her first son died young. Nothing could be more miserable than losing her child for a mother. But she was never defeated by life. She kept on writing and believed in her heart. She wanted to write this story to inspire the person who was wretched or hopeless. We can’t forget this great writer behind the story.

The little girl in this book, Mary, is just like the writer. Her parents were killed by cholera. She was adopted by her uncle Archibald. The life was quite difficult in Mithridates Manor. But Mary always kept her passion. She found the secret garden which was tended by Mrs Archibald before. Then the garden became a taboo. Because of the death of Mrs Archibald, Mr Archibald couldn't face his son,Colin. Colin became a weak and lonely boy. He got help from Mary and was healed in the secret garden. In the end, he was just like a normal boy and he was reconciled with his father. The hurt in Mr Archibald’s heart was also healed.

Happy ending can give people more happiness but less thinking. Most people just regarded this story as a fairy tale. They won’t believe the same things will happen in reality. I don’t think so.

The power of our heart is magical. The modern world is becoming more and more scientific. We are always depending on the science and technology in life, but never manage to solve problems by ourselves. Ultimately we give up hope. We are missing in the material world.

Every man is the  architect of his own fortune. I don’t think that science can explain everything in the world. The most important between human beings and animals is that we have emotions and beliefs. Don’t lose this valuable part of your life.

Actually, everybody has a secret garden in his deep heart where there are many magical things for you. If you try to believe in it, you’ll find the way and the key to the door of the secret garden. 

上一篇 2024年6月23日
下一篇 2024年6月23日


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