time management(5篇)

The Time Message This passage mainly talks about the time management for college students.It tells us how precious the time is and how to control it efficiently.I agree on the idea that “Time is the easiest thing in the world to waste—the most difficult to control.”(Excerpt from The Time Message)Sometimes we know we have plenty of time but sometimes it slipping through our fingers unknowingly and quickly.Do not belittle the power of time.We must make good use of it.And the only access is to control it.“Time is dangerous.If we do not control it, it will control us.We must become the master of time, not the servant.”(Excerpt from The Time Message)So how should we control it efficiently? As far as I’m concerned, there are four important aspects for us college students to control it.Firstly, time is short, and we must make a reasonable plan.We can make a list and write things down in order of priority we need to do.And it is necessary and unavoidable.Perhaps we often think why we cannot use the spare time efficiently, why we cannot accomplish our aim as expected, whytime is so tight sometimes.The main reason is that we do not have a plan.A plan helps us make a good schedule.Then we can systematically arrange our activities according to our schedule.Though we may have difficulty, we can adjust our plan and take care of the special problem properly.What’s more, a good memory is not as good as a pen.We do not need to spend time thinking what should do next and what we haven’t done.We will have confidence when we have a plan in mind.Secondly, time is finite we must set a practicable goal with time limit.We need to be realistic when set goals.Do not underestimate or overestimate.Otherwise we will fail to accomplish goals as expected and lose our patience.Everything in life is like a challenge, if the challenge is too difficult, we may lose interests;if it is too easy, we do not want to do it.And if it is challenging, it will inspire us to conquer it.When we finish it we feel a sense of achievement.So a feasible goal is important.Thirdly, time is valuable, and we must control it from beginning.“Time is today, not tomorrow or next week.”(Excerpt from The Time Message)Start our plan from the beginning of a semesterwill be very helpful for us to achieve the goal.If we want to improve our spoken English, we should practice from now on, for instance, listening to the recorder and imitating the intonation.And when it comes to the end of term, we may find our spoken Englishimproves much than before.Time and tide wait for no people.We do it, we get repay;otherwise, we get nothing.Lastly, persistence is also an important aspect.We cannot do anything successfully without persistence.No matter what we may come across in the middle of doing something, we should never give up.Perseverance is victory.Besides, we should resist the temptations.There are lots of outstanding athletes in the world.They succeeded because they work hard and never give up and they know what they really want.Though the process may not easy, the fruit will be sweet.The time will tell.In my opinion, the four aspects are most efficient for us to control time and make good use of it.Once we have a goal, we will have the determination to attain it.And it is never too late to control our time.

上一篇 2023年6月14日
下一篇 2023年6月14日


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